Amazon River Basin

Amazon River Basin

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

One Last Word

We are safe home again. Too many delays in airports. Too many screaming children on the planes. From equatorial heat to -30C has been a bit of an adjustment but what else can one expect in January in Saskatchewan?  Our last 2 days on the ocean were spent in the company of new friends. We lounged in the sun and swapped stories from our various homes and livelihoods. We even made plans to meet up once again.  There was also that morning where Dale invented the "Sock-tail" with Keith's sock and Fred  hung it filled with ice as punishment for its sins...

Well, we don't expect you to understand but here is the photographic proof:
The sock in question

The Sock-tail

The hanging.

And that was our trip to the Amazon. Thanks for following along. Who knows where the next adventure will take us?  Bom Dia.


  1. Looks like you had an amazing adventure. Glad you shared it all in this blog. Too much heat for me I'll enjoy the descriptions of others!

  2. Marsha, you're a great writer. I have enjoyed your descriptions and photos and I am extremely jealous. I may come to see you tomorrow to discuss, Leah has hockey in Herbert.
