Amazon River Basin

Amazon River Basin

Saturday, January 7, 2012

another day at sea in the company of Mad Englishmen

January 7, 2012

There is not much to report in terms of activities today as it is another day at sea as we make our way over to Scarborough, Tobago.  Dale and I have discovered that we are “Mad Dogs” – at least if you believe that “only mad dogs and Englishmen stay out in the noon day sun”. That hour of the day found us on the very top deck in a pathetic shuffleboard tournament with the crazed English crew with whom we have thrown in our lot.  We guess it was in the mid-40s Celsius and very glaring. Needless to say the match did not last long. I am happy to report that the ladies won though the gents are still arguing the point. Everyone retired for refreshments followed by a pub lunch which is an adventure when you are accompanied by six mildly drunk and or sun-crazed Brits. Needless to say, many people on board do know the eight of us on sight – some even move out of the way. Ha ha.

This evening dining is formal so we have to brave the penguin suits and glittery bits once again. It looks faintly ridiculous with the sun-burned noses and arms but what the heck, it is a proud maritime tradition and who are we to stand in the way of tradition?

all dolled up with our wait staff Ana and Jacek
                                                  Our UK friends in full formal regalia

You will note by the following pictures of our British friends that they are not shy, retiring types. The photos are of how they arrived for the 5 course dinner last night. As their table is opposite ours, it was quite distracting especially at the soup course when their table looked like a flock of birds pecking at their soup bowls.  It was a refreshing change from too much stodgy and we are only aware of one offended woman so all is well.
                                                  John, Margaret and Keith - not so formal
                                                                  Farmer Fred goes native

Till tomorrow and the islands I shall read and enjoy the company of others. Dale is napping after trying to keep up with three veteran English beer drinkers. Hopefully it will not kill him within the remaining week!

1 comment:

  1. Post pictures of penguins and glitter (if you can)!!!
